Dismantled bed

Another busy day.  We have The British Heart Foundation collecting a number of items tomorrow.  Including our bed.  So the day started with me stripping the bed and putting the bedding in the washer.  Then after breakfast, we tipped the mattress off the bed - it's very heavy, we struggle to manage it - and dismantled the bed with some difficulty - the pieces of plastic that the slats insert into kept breaking.

We carried the bits downstairs, and into the garden, where W repaired and glued up the foot of the bed which had been coming apart.  We then spent some time on the internet trying to source replacements for the broken bed slat holders - ended up sadly having to resort to Amazon Prime, so we can get them delivered tomorrow.

I vacuumed the massive amounts of dust that had accumulated under our bed.

Then we dismantled the bed in our spare bedroom - a standard double, rather than the king size we've been used to - and brought that into our bedroom where we rebuilt it - after discovering that the bed slat holders can be used on the bed we are giving away, in case our Amazon delivery doesn't arrive till after BHF have been and gone.

And finally we wrangled the king size mattress out into the upstairs passage, where it can wait for the BHF collection - hopefully they are sending two strong lads.

We've taken down the pictures from the stair well, in case they were knocked by the mattress as it is brought downstairs.  And we've packed lots of other stuff into boxes that they will collect at the same time as the bed.

After all that, I was in need of therapy, so I spent an hour in the studio making another patchwork block (see extra).  It's fun, and intellectually undemanding, whilst requiring concentration to get a good result - excellent therapy.  Still not totally happy with the points, but getting better.  It's the second of a block of the month programme from Debbie Shore, first published in 2019.  

W is watering trees - despite the very dry weather, we have not yet been threatened with a hosepipe ban.  And in a little while I need to fetch this week's Click and Collect

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