W's memories

I'm a bit bored with prowling the garden looking for blips - I realise there are still plenty of thing I could photograph, but there is nothing that really excites me at the moment.  The result of this ennui was that I had not taken a photo all day.  So at 11pm I went upstairs to bed with my camera.  

Some weeks ago, when I was stuck for a blip, W had mentioned this basket.  At the time, I found an alternative, but I decided that it should feature today.  W acquired the basket when he was packing to leave South Africa and come to the UK.  Women in Kwa-Zulu make the baskets, which are then brought to Johannesburg to be sold on the market.  The woman who had brought them wanted a tool that W was selling, had no money, so instead gave him a choice of her baskets.  He chose this one as a reminder of home.

The candlestick on the windowsill behind is also one of W's - a family item.  I see that I really should have straightened the candle before taking the photo - but it's too late now as I am blipping the next morning!

I'm glad I chose to blip the basket, as I then had to ask W about its history, and I realised that he would quite like it if the basket was in a more prominent position in the house.  We will now try to find space for it somewhere downstairs.

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