I am Sailing!

A seamless journey earlier, leaving Dunbar late morning we were checked in, boarded and eating lunch within a couple of hours. We sailed at 5.30 pm and are currently still headed out of the Firth of Forth to the North Sea two hours later.

We’ve already met someone we know, we’ve walked several miles around the deck and I think we’ve got our bearings…we know where the lifeboat is anyroads, though we are hoping not to see the inside of it!! Dinner is in an hour so I need to get my glad rags on, it might be an early night afterwards though.

My blip is of the tug boat which pulled us around so we were headed the right direction after leaving the port…the three bridges over the Forth in the background making a change from the three over the Tweed I frequently blip!

Thanks to BobsBlips for hosting Wide Wednesday.

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