Bright Spot in a Gloomy Day

What a terrible night. That’s all I will say. Once I was able to have coffee, bread and Tylenol this morning, I felt almost human again. Put a call in to my asthma doc. He stressed that the best medicine is bed rest. He’s doubled my asthma meds and recommended Muscinex plus my rescue inhaler. I guess having a few high risk factors, including being older than dirt, he decided I need to take the “cocktail” regimen. There is good and bad news with it. Good: he said it should keep me out of the hospital. Bad: it comes with a nasty lingering metallic taste, I will be unable to take one of my BP meds and there’s a high chance I will get COVID again 3-5 days after finishing the medication. I guess that is why Biden and Falchi had a reoccurrence. Does anyone else have lessons learned to share? So, I got up, sat on the front porch and enjoyed the beautiful hibiscus blooms to lighten my mood. There is other good news, my brain is addled so I may have told you before. Millie is doing wonderfully with her new special dry kitty food. She likes it and has kept it all down. Hallelujah! My children have certainly pitched in and made things easier. Hopefully I will be able to eat a regular meal tonight, compliments of my DIL. Hubby is feeling much better, still tired but the worst symptoms have subsided. My sister is symptom free so she will get to take the trip to WV. Thanks for the visit. I am still unable to upload some of my back blips. If I feel better tomorrow, I might try using my laptop. Take care folks. “There are downsides to everything; there are unintended consequences to everything.” - Steve Jobs

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