Knowing Which Side Your Bread Is Buttered On

Today's shot was 'inspired' by watching a documentary on Sky Arts called Mad Tracey from Margate - about the artist Tracey Emin.
She's been described as a divisive artist but this fascinating documentary filmed back in 1999 was thought provoking and featured archive footage of interviews with friends, family, fellow artists and the artist herself.
I wouldn't say I'm the biggest fan of her work but I loved her quote "People say that my work is tediously narcissistic. Guess what? I'm mot making my work for them anyway". You tell 'em Trace!
One part of the film showed her staging an exhibition where she had taken polaroids of artworks that she'd later destroyed after leaving art college because she was so unhappy with them but she still wanted to record them for posterity. 
This is my attempt at the same thing - my very own piece of conceptual art that I have realised is not up to standard - but I have recorded it for posterity anyway! :-) Well. that and the fact that it was the only three things that I could find to hand for an emergency blip!
It's also a tangental comment on the extortionate price of butter - we're huge fans of Lurpak in this household but my god £5.00 for a tub of butter!! Conceptual art and the price of butter - two great subjects for a blip! :-)

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