Living in Brabant

By AilsaR

Monkeying around

My week-long holiday began after I'd finished work yesterday. (YAY!)

I came home, scratched my head, wasn't sure I'd arranged to meet Regine or not, so I sent her an sms. "Er, had we arranged to meet or not?" I received an equally confused sms back, and it appeared that neither of us could decide if we'd arranged to meet or not.

But, we both thought, what the heck?! It's Friday, and the beginning of hols for both of us. A quick hair comb, brushed teeth, lippy on, and within half an hour we were sitting down to eat at the Surinamse restaurant, the food washed down with a few beers.

This afternoon my friend from far, far, far away (well, the east of the Netherlands) came to Tilburg and we spent a girly shopping afternoon together. We had arranged to meet Regine for dinner at a new Italian restaurant in town, had some fun, frolicks, tried a new local beer (called 'baldadig' =rowdy/wanton(!!)), and took some not too sensible photos. This is one of them!

Here we come, walking down the street
We get the funniest looks from everyone we meet.

Hey, hey, we're the Monkees
And people say we monkey around,
But we're too busy singing
To put anybody down.

You know that we want to
Do what we like to do,
The only time we get restless
Is around something new

Ladies and gentlemen, this is just the first day of the holiday. The rate this I am going, I will get back to work much lighter of pocket, but with a big grin on my face :)

That's the definitition of a good holiday I think!

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