The Pepper Patch

By PepperG

The Monument

"Ladies and gentlemen, family members, friends, distinguished guests ... I'm at a loss for words. I'd like to thank you for being here this morning. To be honored as my adopted home town's Man of the Year, the Ocala Stud, is something I didn't expect, am still not sure I deserve, but accept gratefully on this beautiful Spring morning in the heart of Florida."

(thunderous applause)

"I know I promised I'd keep my remarks short and sweet but I would like to share a bit of a story my Great-Uncle Ezra told me when I was just a little boy ..... "

(and that's when I woke up from my afternoon nap.)

PS - Guess who forgot to check and see if there was a SD card in my camera this morning and is real lucky Smartypants, my cell phone, is getting so good at coming up with ideas for emergency blips? Yup, that's right, the Ocala Stud.

... and the adventure continues.

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