Fast downhill part of the cycle to work, at Drumsmittal, on the Black Isle... weather (ice) permitting. The scene will be very different soon, when the leaves open.

As said in a recent comment reply:

"I lead a very boring existence, and don't often go far afield. During the week, I travel along much the same cycle route to/from work. The distance range of any lunchtime wanders is also limited. So a large proportion of my Blips are in a somewhat limited area. Repetition is likely..."

Within this scene there have been three former Blips. A fourth to left of were I took it from; possibly a fifth to the right of the same spot (ancient backBlip to be done sometime...); and definitely two more just around that last bend. A very high concentration rate, along my cycle route...

Really cold breeze on the way home after swimming tonight. The hill of which this a small and not very steep section, is a long slog on the way home. Especially after swimming. Oh, and a good load of shopping tonight too...

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