
This lucky hoverfly has an infinite number of flowers to visit in Branklyn Garden, in Perth.

 For this photo it has chosen a waterlily on the pond but has many varieties of flowers, including those in the extra. Top left clockwise: gentian, lily, buddleia and edelweiss.

You may notice a rather tattered butterfly on the buddleia, I take to be a fritillary but its condition belies a positive ID; it was the less usual specimen seen, among peacock and whites. 

Extra 2 is a view towards the house through an arch, the sundial is modern.

Now under the care of the National Trust for Scotland, the garden celebrates its 100th birthday this year, having begun by John and Dorothy Renton as a garden to enrich the house, adding unusual specimens from seeds obtained from abroad. Although current thinking does not approve of the use of peat, at the time of the garden's construction it was acceptable and the supporting walls made from peat blocks (effectively small terraces) have survived to the present.

Thanks to BikerBear for hosting Flower Friday.

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