Chicken, sweet ginger and pineapple

I’m beginning to eat a bit more! The above and a bit of apple flan for dinner! 

A lot done today:  2 lots of washing, dried in the garden and some of it ironed!  Prepped beds and rooms for Em and our daughter, who arrived while I was still giving a French lesson.  Ro and our daughter went out for Chinese takeaway. 

 We had our lovely 5 yo this afternoon.  She helped me make apple flan!  I peeled the still very small apples while she broke the eggs into a bowl and mixed them with the sugar she had weighed.  Then she measured the oat milk in a measuring jug, very accurately and, while I mixed in the flour she had measured, she poured in the oat milk! I’ve just tasted it! Very good! 

Tomorrow we have the girls all day, all night and the following day!  Then they get a night home and we have them on Thursday! 

This is for mono Monday - juxtaposition! Many thanks to you, Mole, for hosting!

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