Tech Marketing Guy

By tmg

Quintessential New England

Today we celebrated TMG Jrs birthday. He turns two on Monday, but we decided to celebrate early. It was a busy day and very fun time. Happy birthday little man!

I had limited time for blipping today due to the festivities and so was fortunate to capture this. I was tasked with picking up the pizzas for the family-only party and noticed this house during my short drive.

I love traditional New England colonials and this is a classic example. I tried to compose this using the trees and yellow flowers as a frame. Note that this was a short trip and I was fortunate to have my P&S camera with me or I would have missed the shot!

Finally, I have had limited time for commenting as of late and plan to catch up in the next few days. Have a great weekend

Clone stamp to remove distracting truck
Curves layer to increase contrast

Constructive criticism always welcome

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