Living my dream

By Mima

I wanna hold your hand...

It's been another day of doing nothing much outdoors (except the usual tasks including collecting eggs of filling the log-bin). 

I did got stuck into the sock-mending pile. At last. It's been accumulating for about four months. And when I looked at each sock, to work out what needed to be done I realised that only three pairs were actually reparable. All the rest were too far gone: worn out darning on top of worn out darning. So it was a much faster job than I'd expected.

And therefore there was time to remove the broken zip from a fleece waistcoat and replace it with buttons and some velcro. 

And also time to drive into town to top up the book pile at the library.

I'm all set for another few days of freezing cold weather spent lounging about in front of the potbelly with my sweet dog.

-4C first thing this morning. +6C mid-afternoon.

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