The Carnival Goes On

So goodbye, Judith Durham. She could sing a tune as my Dad shrewdly observed. So we played The Carnival is Over, as everyone was doing everywhere, I trust.
But hardly time to draw breath. A busy, busy day. The daughter and s-i-l arrived with minky and we sat and gassed and ate pastries along with F&H. Then, no sooner were they off than we’d to head over to the beach for the annual WBRA sausage sizzle. The beach was mobbed - a huge gathering from an Edinburgh Recovery group, complete with BBQs and gazebos. We considered setting up alongside them but, well, we were intending to crack some beers and that might not be welcome. So we settled on the harbour beach where we unveiled our banner. And sizzled our sausages.
Then off uptown to the Monkey Barrel at the bottom of Blair Street to see Stuart McPherson (yes, Archie Pepper from ScotsSquad!) do his stand up show. Ha,we laughed, so that worked.
Then an al fresco pizza before the Liquid Room (never plural!) to meet up with M&G to see the great King Creosote. Supported by Hannah Fisher (gorjusss!) and Sorren Maclean (even more gorjuss!!) - both members of the great man’s backing band. A great gig though with a lot of new material - and a band that cracked on, driving all his music into a very repetitive style. Until the last couple which were stand out wonderful. Out into that Edinburgh Festival late night pavement scene. Och, it’s great.

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