The Pensioner

By Pensioner

The Shows

After the usual perusal of the Sunday papers and much breakfasting, we all went our separate ways. The two pink attired Mizzes off to meet the daughter and petitio minky and see the Barbie film. H off to some comedy and myself off to meet with Just_Sitting’s cultural gang to see Luke Wright. That man is a talent. And he opened up - his Later Life Letter penned by a social worker on his adoption, to be opened when he turned 18. Blimey, that’s a read. He should be packing them in. 
Onward, firstly sheltering from the rain, and then meeting up again at Blair Street to see Stuart MacPherson. Verrry Fooonneee indeed. Five stars is the group’s verdict. Like a sauna in there, mind.
And finally to Baba in George St to meet up with her sis and P. Rather good nosh, though the serving guy was a bit Fu Manchu and scared us all. And a bus home. Cream crackered. 

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