
A chap knocked at the door this morning as I was working. I was between calls so answered and he showed some kind of ID and said he was part of an ex-offender scheme and working his way back into society having seen the error of his ways. He was selling cleaning products and friendly and chatty. I wasn’t entirely convinced but was short of time and bought something, partly to be supportive if he was genuine, partly out of sympathy having done some door to door selling myself years ago, and partly to get rid of him quickly so I could get back to work. I’ve since checked up and this seems to be pretty commonplace and unlikely to be genuine. I can’t think of an ex-offender scheme that is likely to operate like this ... hardly a Timpsons approach, but when on the spot like that it’s hard to know what the best thing is to do and I was aware of feeling a bit vulnerable.

After work, P picked me up and we drove through to pick C up and we headed down to the lake which was very busy. We had to go a fair bit further to squeeze in on the dark side and tried not to miss our old swim spot too much. It was a beautiful swim although we were very aware that a paddle-boarder drowned here at the weekend and his body has yet to be found.
P had made some supper for us to enjoy after our swim. It was really lovely to have a night off making something to eat.

I was intrigued by this as we emerged from our swim. There were some light patches amongst the rocky bottom and as I stood on it it clouded up like this, like little underwater fumaroles. I’m assuming it’s small patches of very fine clay.

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