Snapshots of my world

By yeeeeed

Summer Sunshine!

It's been a day of wall to wall sunshine and high temperatures, and as I type this sat in my garden it remains very pleasantly warm. :-)

I went into school this morning to help a colleague with getting her head around the new reading scheme and discovered my classroom has three broken windows. In addition, the outside door and the outdoor play equipment (a large magnetic, metallic board) have been graffitied on with comments clearly from former pupils directed at the headteacher. The caretaker was taking the approach of not bothering to clean it up or sort the broken windows because "they'll just come back and do it again"...not sure that's quite the point!

Anyway, I've since enjoyed a lovely walk along the canal as I chatted to my sister and marvelled at how much the Himalayan Balsam has sprung up. It would take quite some balsam bashing to get rid of it!!

Time to hang out some washing now. I've washed some of my thick hoodies and a pair of trainers. Why not! :-P

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