
By dunkyc


It’s either famine or feast when it comes to blipping. From yesterday’s paltry effort on the most uneventful of days to today, when I took so many photos, I was spoilt for choice!

As we continued to bake in the incessant heat, I’d made it clear to the wee ones that I would be springing them from holiday jail club early and that we would be heading off to Coniston to play on the lake and have a picnic tea, which is precisely what we did.

We swam, we splashed, we paddled, we slightly drowned the youngest (she’s fine) and generally had a rather wonderful time in the evening heat. It was so good, that I was even able to get in AND out of my newly replaced wetsuit without injuring either it or myself.

M’boy was great on the board, incredibly confident in control of the paddle. Matty stepped up too, from telling me that she couldn’t stand up on the board, she was soon doing exactly that and zipping around all over the place, whilst retaining control of the board (for the most part)

For her own sense of accomplishment, I’ve added a shot taken in the water of her in control of her vessel, but I plumped for the main shot as I liked m’boy’s pose.

Thoroughly enjoying these balmy summer evenings!

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