Living my dream

By Mima


It’s been a beautiful warm day at last, with no morning frost. Bean has been sunbathing and I’ve been in a t-shirt in the garden.

I have put some plants into my new flower bed: dahlias, peonies and three small sumac saplings. That’s for starters. I will put some annuals in there to fill gaps in due course. Among other things there are a couple of hypericum seedlings in my plant nursery which will go into the bed next year, if they are big enough by then.

84 pea seed have been sown, plus a couple of dozen sugar snap peas as well. They failed last year, primarily due to the manure tainted with horse-worming chemicals. Having replaced all of that compost, I have high hopes for a good crop this summer.

I’ve finished weeding the herb bed which is a relief, and leaves time now to get on with the preparation of the fruit cage for spring .

Bean and I walked up the hill this afternoon and met these bullocks half way up. They were torn between running away from me and being inquisitive about Bean.

Gardening all day is quite a novelty and I’m happily tired this evening. I should sleep well.

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