Living my dream

By Mima

A big pat on the back

The broken plumbing is mended. I spent a ridiculous amount of time over the weekend working out how to do it. 

One of the farming suppliers in Oamaru supplied me with the three bits I needed this morning, and some handy last minute advice. All for less than $20 which was a bonus.

After fortifying myself with some bread and cheese for lunch I got out my tools, turned off the water and got on with it. It was a slightly fiddly but pretty straightforward job which took about an hour and a half all up.

While I was there (recognise that, Porridge Wog?!) I checked the washer in the tap and discovered it was starting to perish, so that was replaced too. The final thing was to slip some insulation around it in the hope that future ice-related splits will be avoided.

Job done. 

And how did I celebrate, other than giving myself a metaphorical pat on the back? I sowed 96 peas and 24 sugarsnaps. Of course.

I continue to be quite absent from Blip. I will catch up and be back properly in due course.

Thank you so much for all your kind comments and thoughts about my brother and the rest of the family. It is truly appreciated and it helps me every day. 

My brother #3 has been showing symptoms of kidney failure and now seems to have been administered some sedatives. I say “seems to have” because things have happened over the weekend when medical staff weren’t available to speak to my other brothers (one of whom visited on Sunday probably for the final time). It is something that comes as no surprise and is in accordance with everybody’s wishes.

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