
By ruthie1

Take a closer look

My 100th Blip day turned out to be a pretty dull day, I was hoping for an exciting photo but didn't manage it. I went in search of some plastic frogs for school (don't ask) and stopped to snap this Book Exchange telephone box on my way. I've passed it before but never blipped it.
The rest of the day was spent catching up with friends/family over the phone and finishing off school work for the coming week.

For the past 100 days Blip has been something to look forward to each day; whether it be through challenging myself to find a blip or exploring all your wonderful journals. It has given me something to focus on and enjoy when times have been tough and it has definitely opened my eyes to all that is around me, encouraging me to look more closely at things. It is for this reason that today's Blip is called 'Take a closer look'.

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