Emma D's diary

By EmmaDrabble

At Tarrington: Robin Red Breast, come and gone

A Robin. I found him sitting by the side of the road. Knocked by a car, I am guessing. Perfectly sitting dead where he landed.

Its an odd thing, seeing a proud territorial bird like this. Its the owner, a dominating character seeing off all other rivals. You dont expect to see a robin, seen off.

There are some things in life that just shouldn't mix with humans. Humans just seem to be bad for them. I was reading an article about the decline of the Bee population. The article asked the question, "do you think we should ban pollutants that kill bees?" I found even the asking the question a little bizarre. Doesnt anyone out there realise that without bees we would have no food and no life? Its a no brainer question. Surely?

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