Allan Ramsay Ignores the Castle

It is so much quicker to walk into town than to take the bus even if the latter gives you a seat as it navigates the crowds. I was meeting a friend at the foot of the Mound for some tram travel to points west and noticed *Allan Ramsay standing stony faced on his plinth overlooking the corner were the resident piper makes his daily bawbee. It’s just as well the former has stone ears. It’s amazing what you notice given half the chance.

As I left the house I did wonder if I should have worn gloves, but needless to say when the sun came out the temperature rose to 16° which is a comfortable temperature for us northerners.

I was looking forward to an M&S scone at the Gyle but the queue stretched  out into the underwear department so we gave it a miss and sat under the glass roof outside Starbucks. A quick zip round Decathlon and TKMax at Hermiston Gait and home in time for lunch. No money spent other than for coffee. Result!

* Allan Ramsay was an 18thC Scottish Portrait painter of high repute

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