Oh, What A Beautiful Day

My cough drove me out of bed this morning but I am glad it did - I got to enjoy even more hours of this glorious day. It was the perfect day for breakfast on the front porch, very low humidity. I called my asthma doc to see if I could have him check my cough/lungs. Skylar had her last driving lessons so I dropped her off on the way. Hubby had a dermatologist appointment. Then he cut our grass again. It grows so fast. He put all non-perishable stuff in the camper/truck including our e-bikes. Great news: my lungs are clear and my lung capacity is only down 10% since the last test. The doctor prescribed a cough suppressant and assured me the cough is just a leftover COVID side effect. While I waited for Sky, I grabbed a sandwich. There was a terrible head on collision that caused me to take an alternate route. Serious accidents occur every day where we live; one reason I am so nervous about my grands being on the roads. Mancil drives through that intersection every day he works. Parker made the golf team at school yesterday so he will also be on that road more (just not driving). Sky and I picked up some white peaches that the farmer promises will be delicious. After I dropped her off, the surrounding cloud formations delighted me and I wanted to share the sights with you. I found a side road with a few open fields so I could take better photos. Of course, seeing the sky yourself would have been much better. We are abundantly blessed to have so much beauty here: many waterways, farms, forests, wild life, etc. Hubby and I are ready to go except for packing the perishable food. Dinner is cooked so it is nap time. Stay safe folks. Thanks for the visit, your kind words and stars. Enjoy your evening. Look up…. “The more often we see the things around us - even the beautiful and wonderful things - the more they become invisible to us. That is why we often take for granted the beauty of this world: the flowers, the trees, the birds, the clouds - even those we love.” - Joseph B. Wirthlin

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