Happy Heavenly Birthday, Grandma

I agree with Louisa May Alcott, every home needs a grandmother.  I was very fortunate to have one at home all my life. She crocheted the edging on these hankies and taught me to knit, crochet and embroider.   She introduced me to collage as we made colorful scrapbooks of pictures I cut out of Mom's Good House Keeping and Woman's Day magazines.  It is hard to believe that my grandma was born when Queen Victoria was on the throne.  She lived through so much history and change.  She grew up on a farm and rode to school in a horse and buggy but lived to see a man walk on the moon. She would understand this current pandemic as she nursed during the Spanish Flu in 1918-1919.  I wonder what she would make of our world today.  I think she would share the old queen's sentiment, "We are not amused."  I miss her.

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