Pictorial blethers

By blethers

But break, my heart …

I’ve just had the most wonderful evening. So I’m going to skip through the day - though we did have a lovely lunch in Murrayfield Dine, which I heartily recommend - and go straight to the evening, the Festival Fringe, the St Stephen’s Centre, to a new take on Shakespeare’s Hamlet.

I knew it was a ballet; I knew Iain McKellen was playing Hamlet but not dancing. Hamlet was danced by a beautiful young man, and said nothing; McKellen was as it were his alter ego. McKellen spoke the famous words ( and oh, can he speak!) The dancing was electrifying, the choreography splendid; the characterisation complete. The music was terrific, though the sound system less so, but that’s a minor consideration in the whole. It all worked.

I love Hamlet. I love Iain McKellen. I’m more or less a ballet virgin. But tonight all three came together and made me excited and pleased. And then we had a lift back to #1 son’s and were plied with wine and supper.

And I think McKellen’s knees are in better nick than mine are.

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