Rocks on a Table

It was a fairly minimalist day. 
Took Spike up to the meadow for a good run.
Puttered around on the computer to no constructive end, as one does.
Wandered around the garden gathering cucumbers, green beans and figs.
One has to be quick to pick the figs before they are sampled by some critter well skilled in knowing exactly when they have ripened to perfection.
Read the newspaper over lunch. The primary losses of most Republican candidates who dared to question Trump and his lies about the 'stolen' election and his role in an attempt to overthrow the government to ones backed by Trump is disheartening, to put it mildly.
We can only hope that at least one of the numerous investigations and lawsuits against him will find him guilty of a felony so he can never run again....better yet, put him behind bars. 
Sat on the couch with ice on my foot which I caught on something in the garden and sprained a bit.
Did my back exercises.
Sewed the binding on one side of Ruta's quilt.
I put a picture in extras of the windmills at Altamont Pass, taken in 2012, which seems both topical and minimalist. I've always liked them. 
I think I've lost my Blip mojo...but not my connection to so many Blippers. Bear with me for a bit while I look for it....

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