Life through the lens...

By ValC


Swapped my photos round as today was really all about picking blackberries.
We drove the 15mins to Thwaites Mill and combined our walk along the canal / river with blackberry picking. This time armed with Tupperware containers in our rucksacks.
Although it was obvious that people had been picking before us, we easily managed to pick 5lbs in just 15mins. The quality was superb. Some of the best we have ever picked.
Most of them have been frozen, but saved some of the best ones to have with our granola for breakfast.
Just baked an apple and blackberry pie with the ones I picked the other day.
MrC has more scratches than me, but he was picking the best ones in the middle of the bushes!

It was interesting reading your comments yesterday, and I was surprised how many blippers had the same cookery book.
Those were the days when we bought many Readers Digest books. Still have most of them. Gardening, Birds, Trees, DIY, The British Isles, and The Illustrated Dictionary to name a few.
All bought before the internet!

A very pleasant day with sunshine and clouds and 20 - 22C. Still could do with more rain.

Flower Friday photo as an extra. The red hot pokers which have just opened out in our garden.

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