I thought I had a few shots in the camera from this mornings ‘Biskit walk’, but I find that I only had a couple taken at the start of the walk after meeting another dog walker and her pair of hounds.  All the noses were in the wrong places, so I have spared you those.  I did get a couple of mediocre videos which I might edit and put on YouTube later.
So a quick nip across the road to a neighbour’s garden to pinch a photo of her tall flower(s) which the gardener (who I nearly tripped over) told me the name of which I have forgotten, so its just as well I spotted the Petunias which were by the door.  The what-ever-its-name-is was a bit tatty close up anyway. I can’t say that I have seen spotty petunias before.
A good day all round as I cleared the lawn of leaves so that Herbie can have a go at the grass which has shot up since our rain storm.  I did find the need to change all the teeth on the electric lawn rake, but I have that earmarked  for tomorrow.  Slept most of the afternoon.  Cheese salad for tea tonight.
Many thanks to Anni for hosting Flower Friday.

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