Tree House


Our accommodation for the next three nights.

When we come down to my “home town” we have always stayed at the same place in recent years, lovely and clean and they have been really accommodating. However it closed at the end of June, which left us with a problem. Because J is immuno-compromised and has to try and avoid infection risks we are still shielding. So we needed to find somewhere where we can self-cater.

And this is it. It’s 20 or so minutes away from my “home town”, which is fine. Designed by the lady in the nearby cottage (much larger than our house, “cottage” must be a relative term), and she’s done a really good job. Very well appointed (as estate agents would say) and really comfortable. It’s called the “tree house” which worried me at first (my tree climbing days are well gone), but fortunately it’s not up a tree. We are just surrounded by them. They are just about surviving the extreme dryness down here, although there is a lot of leaf-fall. Dessication stress means a false autumn in these parts, many trees are closing down in order to try and survive.

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