Rocky Mountain Moments

By pipersmom

Silly Decal

I have to admit to not taking this today.  I shot it in the grocery store parking lot earlier in the week and saved it for Silly Saturday.  Always remembering Admirer on Saturdays. :-)

We're finally done with the kitchen/dining area deep cleaning.  All my previously cluttered shelves were cleaned and reorganized today, and I filled a large box to drop off at the thrift store.  It is full of things I forgot I had, that I obviously never used.  The only thing left to do is floor cleaning and PD will do that tomorrow.  I'm tired, but happy! 

Apologies again for my lack of visits to your journals.  I hope to start catching up tomorrow.  Thank you to for all your visits and stars and hearts on my recent blips.  I appreciate all of them! xx

I am grateful to PD for giving me a foot massage tonight even though he was tired too. :-))

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