A Day Worth Recording

By Cheeseminer


When checking our tracking of various utilities it became apparent that our water usage was higher then in previous years.  Given that we're achieving a downward trend on pretty much everything here that raised a bit of a flag.

We had previously fixed a leak in one of the 12 WC cisterns recently so went to check the water meter for an extra reading, only to find it somewhat submerged.

Baling out the pit it becomes apparent that that we have an additional leak - thankfully on the Severn Trent side of the meter.  They are allegedly coming within 24 hours.  We'll see.

Meanwhile, the good news is that the meter reading indicates that our average daily usage is back where it should be.  Interestingly, that's currently around the UK average for 4-5 people. (Average is ~150 litres per person per day).  We currently have 14 people resident but that's a peak - for most of the relevant period it's averaged around 6-7, so I'm comfortable enough with that.

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