A Busy Bee Sort of Day

Thanks so much for your very kind words yesterday. The sore throat abated overnight and I felt almost perky today. Well, perkier than recently, which is a start. I puttered around and did some work, baked some teff scones (which had been "soaking" for 48 hours) - absolutely delicious. I ran out of them last week and have missed them! Had an acupuncture treatment in the early afternoon and then did more work. Now I'm all stuffed up, but Covid test is still negative (and will remain that way fingers crossed). I still think it's all been just too much on my body.

I took the camera out to the garden this afternoon and found this sweet damselfly posing for me on a yarrow. You can see that another creature had the same idea. The garden was absolutely loaded with pollinators this afternoon - what a great sight! 

The extra is of Verbena bonariensis which was quite the bee magnet this afternoon. 

I'm going to start reading your journals again today...very much looking forward to catching up a bit.

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