
I woke up this morning in the dark (where did the lovely early light mornings go?), only to see Jade's piercing eyes bore through me from the corner of the garage roof. And another pair of piercing eyes from the swing. I had  no doubt Ammy's piecing eyes were boring through the kitchen door...
It's dark, I said.
We're hungry, those eyes said back.
Can't I even have a cuppa tea first, I asked....

Yesterday I was waiting for a couple of parcels, from different places via the post office. Finally they they came. The guy scans them, then looks at me. 
"Are you __(christian name)__?", he asks.
"Yes", I reply.
"Then, why are they different surnames?", still hanging on to MY parcels and not parting with them.
I replied, "You men can only have one surname your entire life. But us women can have many different surnames during our life."
He roared with laughter, "That's true", he replied giving me my parcels, and laughing all the way back to his little red post office van...

Creative is a kaleidoscope through my glass bedroom door of the wee bit of colour dawn gave before she disappeared behind a grey cloud cover...
Not very exciting is it ?
But it is my effort for today...

Coffee drunk...
Tea drunk...
What else can I drink?

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