I’ll say one thing for this dreaded virus, you never seem to get the same symptoms two days running!

Today I feel lightheaded and nauseous so as I haven’t eaten properly since last Wednesday, thought it might be a good idea to try a bowl of porridge sprinkled with raisins and cranberries - which Mr HCB has, and enjoys every morning.

However, drinking just water doesn’t alert you to the fact that your taste buds have stopped working but I soon found out when I took my first spoonful of porridge. It was like chewing a mouthful of “stodgy nothingness” and I only finished it because after 5 days of just water and the occasional piece of toast, I was feeling quite empty.

I have also been having some very strange and colourful dreams, often waking in a panic and feeling quite breathless but those feelings subside once I realise I’m safe in bed. However, it then it takes a while to get back to sleep.

Thank you all very much for your kind comments, get well messages and especially for the suggestions as to how to make plain water more palatable.

We have plenty of cucumbers, grown by Mr. HCB’s fair hand, so I’ve put some slices in water, using a very old and beautiful glass jug that belonged to Mr. HCB’s parents - in fact, he thinks it could even have been a wedding gift from almost 90 years ago - I’d better be careful with it then - it could be worth a fortune!

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