I seem to be in a good sleep pattern at the moment – once I get into bed and my head touches the pillow, I’m gone. I was very fortunate to sleep the clock round again last night and although I felt weary this morning, it's more a general lethargy left over from the virus rather than feeling tired from not sleeping.

These beautiful little flowers were part of the sunflower bouquet left on the doorstep last week. I was anxious to find out what they were so as there is a facility on my phone to do this I took advantage and looked them up.

Wikipedia tells me they are Safflowers or Carthamus tinctorious - a highly branched, herbaceous, thistle-like annual plant. They are commercially cultivated for vegetable oil extracted from the seeds. I have to say they are very pretty, so I might just be asking Mr. HCB to find some to plant in our garden and apparently, they are good for arid regions so could work for us.

I am enjoying the PhotoRoom app, which enables me to extract the main subject from the cluttered background, which is what I have done with these. If only I could extract my body from this dreaded virus, I would be really happy.

Thank you all again for your kind comments, stars and hearts. Still a way to go but I’m getting there and at least Mr. HCB is still fine.

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