Where in the World ...

... do you find beautifully worked pieces of stone dumped in the landscape they came from? Derbyshire in the Peak District of course. 

I arrived at Hathersage at about 2.30 after an easy journey north. After checking in and dumping my belongings I drove a short distance from my hotel to the Surprise View car park and took a walk up the hill. I'm not too sure about the names of these places but I think on the rock on the horizon here is probably Mother Cap and in the one in the extra maybe Over Owler Tor. (Edit: Over Owler Tor is a bit further on so I don't know what this one's called)

I'm just about to meet up with the rest of the group on the workshop I'll be doing over the next two days. I hope this lovely weather stays but I'm not sure it will. Maybe some moody shots tomorrow, we'll see!

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