Flowers In Your Hair

By bethanyanne

My self-portraits are always out of focus... I think it's time to invest in a remote.

I'll also be getting a new camera soon; my little T1i is on his last legs. if the little guy can make it through the summer, I'll have a 5D mark ii in August. If not, I'll have one before then and I'll owe my mother a lot of money, haha.

Anyway. Since it's been so long, here's a brief update on my life. I'm finishing up my last semester at community college. My last exam is on Wednesday. Starting Monday, I'll be spending two weeks at camp, helping out with a few groups. I'll be in Detroit on the 18th for my cousin's wedding, and then back home. Two weeks later, it's back to camp for the summer. Three days after camp ends, I'll be living in Chicago and studying at North Park University. It's surreal. It's good.

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