Today's flower

Getting late this evening before I had chance to look for my blip. I did one first thing before work, but I wasn't happy with it - all a bit rushed.

So, I raided the vase of flowers again and disappeared into the conservatory where there was still sufficient light. It was well into dusk so used custom white balance again to remove the heavy blue cast that was developing. A slight tweak to bring highlights down a little to there's a bit of detail in the petals. A sharpen and Robert's your mum's brother.

Walking the dog after I got home I bumped into our M.P. He was delivering leaflets for the election on thursday. I did ask if they had press-ganged him into it as things are so bad. He politely smiled and said "We all have to do our duty". Not often I suppose that these leaflets get delivered from the back of a jag! Not his I suspect, but even so!

Regardless of your politics, he does seem to work tirelessly for the community.

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