We have lift off!

The stairlift fitted today has already proven useful for both patients, and the washing! What follows is yet another tale of woes, feel free to ignore.

It’s been one of those days here, you name it, it went horribly wrong. Left washing on line overnight so would dry in today’s sun, woke to incessant rain. Delivery of bulk bird food order, sack split open on delivery. Stairlift fitter due to arrive 8am, turned up four hours late. Only had ten mins to sort things with him before dashing out to emergency vet appointment. Toff quite poorly, leaving little puddles everywhere, indoors and outdoors. Stairlift company sent wrong parts, luckily fitter had spare in van. Hospice nurse phoned in my absence but content of call forgotten by receiver. K, in charge in my absence, tried to be helpful by “refreshing” the damp washing on line by rewashing the two loads, I then had to rehang it all a second time. Patient No1 fell over and cut himself. Collared Dove flew into window and broke its neck. Supermarket delivery arrived with paid item missing from delivery, plus no Diet Coke, the only thing that keeps me going!

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