Godmother extraordinaire

Ah what a gorgeous time we've had in Glossop - it's been pure joy. After a delicious brunch and photos session we sadly had to leave. It's been a fantastic few days.
We drove to Birmingham where Dad had got us a delicious lunch ready. So great to see him and then have a repack of our things. Also lovely to briefly see blipped Mishkid and her bro Paul too!
The drive to Southampton was full of traffic, and at points torrential rain. But at 6,30 we pulled up at my sister's house. The 5 cousins were utterly ecstatic to be reunited, it's been so lovely to see. Han had cooked us a roast - it's been a day of very good food! We headed from there to my aunt and uncles where we're staying, about a half hour drive away. Again, wonderful to see them and my cousin Piers who's here with his2 kids too. Asha and Nate loved hanging out with Harry and Isabelle. It's going to be a fun and chaotic few days with the 7 children!!

Today I'm grateful for;
1) These past few days with Süz and co, they've really felt like a gift.
2) Safe travel - we've had about 6 hours of driving today. 
3) The instant bond between the cousins despite so much time apart. 

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