Sunshine ?

Did we see some sunshine today or is this an illusion?

Same as yesterday, every time I went out into the bright sunshine the heavens opened up. Just as well I had a lot to do indoors.

Task 1; check photo project on laptop for early afternoon meeting.

Task 2; Practice accordion music for this afternoon's lesson; done
tricky passages here so not as good as I would like it to sound

Task 3: Practice fiddle pieces for this evening's fiddle group session - done
not too badly either!

Task 4; Pay garage for work done on Camper Van - Done; well I hope at the
bill we paid we weren't done and the van is now in good order for
our meanderings around Scotland before we venture further

So all tasks done, accordion lesson went quite well , found out why one particular passage was so tricky, wrong bass chords and fingering had been marked on the music. A lot easier now that has been cleared up'

The fiddle group was great fun. I used my Canon 7 D to make a video of our leader playing the latest piece for us. Interesting result , very clear sound and image. Must have a go at trying video work some time as it wasn't all that difficult finding out the camera settings for this.

Meeting for the photo project went well , back home with more work to do , printing several books of the different sessions we did. This is when I hope for rain as I really need to stay indoors to work. With my luck the weather will change before I'm finished.

So after a busy day it's a late night blip of a flower from the bouquet John brought home at the weekend. Looks like sunshine, right shape , right colour if you use your imagination.

PS had an eye on the your football tonight , a young player who was out on loan at Dumbarton was playing for Chelsea tonight. What a culture shock that must be for young Feruz , playing for a big club after playing at our wee club. Great player , hope he goes on to do well.

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