
The Valhalla Cinema, which opened in 1979, was a roaring success in my heyday as an inner west Sydney dweller (still am). Being a great place to go with friends, it had atmosphere to burn and showed art house movies such as David Lynch's Eraserhead. I've been a DL worshipper ever since. Like many cinemas, it went bust due to competition from Hoyts and Dendy cinemas opening nearby in the1990s.

Today I was off to meet friends for dinner at nearby Balmain. Having walked part of the way, I stopped at a bus stop and blow me down if I wasn't standing outside the Valhalla! I took the extra first, noting its intact art deco doors, looking like it was longing to be a cinema again. Then I went up to the glass and took the main of the interior. I'm glad this much is left of it, as according to my research the interior was converted into office space in 2005.

Thanks for hosting Ingeborg. 

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