Thoughts of a Mummy

By Jaxndm

Twice as nice

Well Hello Blip! Long time no see!

I've been quiet on here for a while as I've had a lot going on at home and have found myself in quite a negative frame of mind. Knowing how I can get carried away with writing my thoughts down, I've had to stay off here as I didn't want to dwell on the negatives - instead I chose to find and focus on the positives.

I've had a wonderful day today. We started out with a small walk through Burbage Common & Woods with friends; that soon showed us how unprepared we were, as the ground got very boggy and we had the pushchair and no wellies - whoops!

Plans changed quickly and we went to the Marina for lunch, followed by an afternoon of fun and friendship.

I'm very excited as we've been booked to go on our first family UK holiday and with friends too! The girls are really excited and more than anything it will be nice to have a family break away from our daily routines; no experiences, new sights and lots of memories to make :o) - Thank you V&A, you really are the best xxx

Sad as this may sound, but we had a new dishwasher delivered today - yay! Over 4 weeks of having to hand wash a family of 6's daily pots, pans etc has made our days so long :o( It truly is remarkable the time difference of having to hand wash the pots etc and just dropping them in the dishwasher. Thank you Mum for helping us out, I really do appreciate it xxx

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