Teclyn newydd

Teclyn newydd ~ A new gadget

“Look in the mirror. Appreciate yourself. Celebrate your capacity for simple acts of generosity and gentleness.”
—Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche

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Pethau syml yn dod â hyfrydwch.  Mae teclyn newydd gyda ni - atodiad melin ar gyfer y Kenwood.  Felly es i allan bore 'ma i brynu ffa coffi o ‘Iechyd Da’ - allwn i ddim yn aros i drio'r peiriant newydd. Doeddwn i ddim yn siomedig - gwnaeth y peiriant gwaith byr o'r ffa. Rydw i'n edrych ymlaen at fy nghoffi bore.

(Does dim mwy o Blips nawr am wythnos oherwydd rydyn ni'n i ffwrdd yn Drala Jong. Llawer o 'back blips' pan rydyn ni'n ôl)

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Simple things bring delight. We have a new tool - a mill attachment for the Kenwood. So I went out this morning to buy coffee beans from 'Iechyd Da' - I couldn't wait to try the new machine. I wasn't disappointed - the machine made short work of the beans. I look forward to my morning coffee.

(No more Blips now for a week because we're away at Drala Jong. Lots of 'back blips' when we're back)

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