Beauty is all around us.

By Grace55

The Swan and six cygnets.

The Feast Day of Saint Monica. The mother of St. Augustine.
I was pleased to get this photo of the swan family because we were out earlier to pick some blackberries along the canal path.
Some were plump and fruitful, some were still red, and others had perished in the heatwave sadly. We did manage to pick a reasonable amount and they will be lovely with some apples, bananas and Greek yogurt.
There were many people cycling on the tow path, whole families, and some grandparents with their grandchildren.
We saw a few butterflies but no dragonflies this time.
It is 19c and quite humid but a lovely sunny morning.
Shopping and housework to do, and then I hope to be watching online Mass, followed by a Miss Marple film and continue crocheting a cream scarf.
Have a good time blip friends and thank you for dropping by.

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