
By IronWill2013

No ordinary duck!

I've mentioned a few times recently that we have spotted a pair of mallard ducks in our pond each morning ... well here they are!

They are very shy. The first few times we approached them, they simply flew off and did not return until early the next morning. Now we can approach them slowly and they will tolerate our presence. Maybe tomorrow, I will try feeding them.

These are no ordinary mallard ducks .... these are OUR mallard ducks ... our very own pond critters :-)

Our pond is only about 10 feet by 8 feet. It has water lilies, yellow irises and the like, and until yesterday, lots of algae (and frogs/tadpoles).

I plan to expand the pond area, and add on a bog garden. Every time the ducks are startled, they head into the tall grass, so I will try and plant something tall (but pretty) for them at the back.

I find this quite exciting ... it's nice when your efforts are appreciated by wildlife!

P.S. An update on my tropical fish: This was my Asian tank that I Blipped back on the 19th April. I still have not cleaned out my South American tank, because my Platties have given birth. I have at least two young fish swimming about the tank. Sadly though, one of the adult Platties has died. I now have 5 adults, and two or more babies (plus two very mature Angels, a Pleco, chocolate talking catfish, one Hatchet fish and some 15 Cardinal Tetras.

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