Feet on the ferry

We heard news about an incident on one of the ferries between Vancouver Island and the mainland that caused significant delays and cancellations, and it was compounded by staff shortages. Traffic was backed up and it sounded like chaos at the terminal where we were headed. Our ferry was scheduled to leave at 12:45, so we thought we'd better give ourselves extra time to get there. By the time we got there, the backups had been cleared at this terminal, but apparently the highway to the other terminal at Horseshoe Bay was very heavy, caused by people trying to get home by a different route. I hope everyone did manage to get home. Our ferry was delayed by only half an hour. We stopped for groceries in town and were home about 6 hours after we left Renata's. Glad that we had booked on the direct route. 
Managed to get Kalyn's game streamed and watched the team win against a team from Michigan. Great that they pulled out the victory in 5 sets. We'll be streaming both her games today (Saturday as I type). 
A very quick visit but great that we went over. Happy to see family. 

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