There’s No Place Like Home

After a fraught week in Chester, it was a relief to head back up the M6 last night. We left it it until late to avoid the inevitable Bank Holiday traffic heading for the Lake District. The plan worked in the sense that we had a clear run home, but it did mean it was quite late when we got there.
So it was very nice to wake up to peace and sunshine this morning in the knowledge that we didn’t have to run round after any demanding family members this weekend!
A PT session before lunch served to highlight the fact that I hadn’t been to the gym for over a week - my only exercise was a 5K run yesterday - and I suspect I’ll have a few aches tomorrow.
I haven’t really done much this afternoon - it’s been nice just to chill out on a warm summer’s day. I think that wandering up to the top of the drive to take today’s photo was as much exercise as I could cope with.
And in the picture you can see a lot of the things that make me so glad to be here. Our lovely house and garden, the views across the valley and - most importantly - Mrs C.

(shame on all those who thought I was going to say the most important thing was the car or motorbike!)

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