Chasing Blue Soldier Crabs

........This afternoon found Rumi My girlfriend and I chasing around the little beach chasing the crabs.....lots of fun.

I have to say..It's a bit like a video game....when you get close enough to take a good shot they all disappear.......they are so shy they burrow into the sand...poof! gone.
Then they come up a bit further up the beach and the same thing happens...elusive little buggers.

A little bit of info:
These crabs will congregate on mud flats or beaches in groups of a few thousand, and filter sand or mud for microscopic organisms. They congregate during low tide, and bury themselves in the sand during high tide or whenever they are threatened. This is done in wet sand, and they dig in a corkscrew pattern, leaving many small round pellets of sand behind them.

I think I need to go back and try different ways of snapping them...they really are fascinating little things and such a beautiful color....and then the patterns of the pellets...well that's definitely a time.

Thank you so much for all the lovely comments stars and hearts for yesterdays blip........I have to say it is the first LE I was really happy with, Might take me a while to get back to you all but I will in time.

Oh! LARGE is good.

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