Lots of exercise today

For those of you who follow our Blips regularly you will know that for the last 11 weeks my owner has been working on her #summerfitnessplan2022 #aimingforabeachbabebod   It's not working. Lol!

Obviously my walks take priority, but for a variety of reasons, she's had to work more shifts at work this week than she actually wants to. That means that there's been no time for #summerfitnessplan #aimingforabeachbabebod.

Until today.........................

Today she made me go for my morning walk at 7.45am and then I had to have snooze time while she swam half a mile, did an aqua fit class and then swam another half a mile. She got home just before midday, flopped down on the sofa and had a ham & cheese sandwich for lunch and she didn't share whilst watching, 'The Secrets She Keeps'. Anyone else watching that? It's brilliant!!!

At 1.20pm we went out for a big long walk. The plan was to walk about 10 miles. Mmmmmmm..................... after about 2 hours, Ann's feet started to hurt. And after 2 and a half hours we'd walked just over 7 miles and a no 11 bus was due. So we abandoned the walk, jumped on the bus and came home.  However we did find some lovely new paths that I'd never walked along before and I was 'off lead' for ages.  Yay!

As soon as I got into the flat I gobbled up all my breakfast, (which I'd just ignored earlier), and then went straight into my little bed for a snooze. #itsadogslife

As for my human, she had a shower because she was even stinkier than me I don't care that I'm skinky, I just want to sleep then she went online and checked all her banking stuff. And now she's writing my BLIP for me because I don't even have the energy to dictate it telepathically??

…..........Oh and she's also having a glass of wine because she feels she needs a reward for doing so much exercise today.

…..........Unfortunately she's going to be working even more hours next week and due to my walks taking priority in her life, and other commitments, it doesn't look like #summerfitnessplan2022 #aimingforabeachbabebod is going to progress much next week. Lol!!

My human has 10 more days until her membership ends at her Fitness Club. And then #summerfitnessplan2022 #aimingforabeachbabebod will be over.

…...................And then maybe I'll be her NO. 1 priority again?????

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